Customized Bike

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Legal notice

Publisher and responsible for contents:

Customized Bike · Freiheit 3 · 13597 Berlin · Germany

Managing director: Stefan Toemmes
Business register: Amtsgericht Berlin
Sales tax identification number: DE 19/561/70534


Order and information Hotline: +49 (0)30 3513 4815
Order fax: +49 (0)30 3513 4816

Online Dispute Resolution:

Effective February 15, 2016 the EU Commission has created a platform for extrajudicial dispute resolution. This gives consumers the opportunity to resolve disputes related to online orders without the  requirement for a judicial process involving courts and judges. This dispute resolution process is available via the external link at


Concept, Design and Production:

Customized Bike

The contents of external web pages to which we have provided links to, is the exclusive responsibility of the respective offerer.