Customized Bike

powered    by    IB-T®

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  • Engineering

    Engineering is our passion. The best is when our customers simply use the product and they do not have to think about it. We only use high quality components for our electronics. Completely designed and produced in Germany together with selected high quality components ensures long lifetime and a very low failure rate during production and operation. This reduces our production costs and ensures our customers a reliable quality.

  • Hardware Engineering
  • Software Enginering
  • 2017
  • 2016
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • Older

    Our engineering office was founded in 2002. We conduct hard-and software engineering for industrial applications and scientific customers. We produce time critical applications and network technologies  based on micro controllers and FPGA’s.

    Customized Bike® is a split off and was founded in 2017. We use Microsoft® Windows and Linux for our development and the target platforms are mainly ARM® processors like inside most cell phones on markets and Intel FPGA’s (former Altera). This newest processor  generations grants high performance combined with high quality.